Mega Man 2


Editor in Chief
Jun 23, 2005
Because Mega Man 9 will be releasing sometime soon, I thought i would be cool to go back and play some old school Mega Man games. I started with 2 because that is what i played the most of when i was young. But going back and playing now, i didnt realize how short the levels are. Like, you can beat most levels between 1-2 minutes. And the bosses are not really that hard. I used my regular blaster and killed most bosses on my first try, starting the battle with decreased health.

it is strange going back and playing these games now. you didnt realize at the time because you didnt know any better.
I've personally find that Mega Man III is easier than Mega Man II, especially with respect to the final Wily fight!

In fact, I generally find that each of the six NES Mega Man games are generally easier than the last.

It's almost jarring to see how much more difficult the original Mega Man is compared to its numerous sequels! (If only for the lack of passwords!)
Mega Man 2 was nothing special for me. It was a fine game, but it's definitely not my favorite in the series. I know people that are fanatics over the series, though, and they play some of the older games more often than they'd like to admit. :p
Haven't played any Mega Man game for a while >A< The last time I played Mega Man was years ago :( And while reading your comments, I really felt nostalgic... And ashamed of myself, lol. I really had a hard time playing Mega Man then (perhaps it's because I was just a kid then... but...) Then all the comments above me state that Mega Man was just easy peasy...

I'm not sure what to think of myself >A< I want to play the game again to prove myself wrong but at the same time it might just worsen my situation. hahaha
MM2 is my favorite. I loved it because it held that certain 'awe' for me as a kid, but I never really followed up on it and I went jumping into RPGS and the like from an early age and left platformers behind for a moment. But to this day, MM2 has the catchiest tunes.

Still hum it to this day.

Not to mention they spawned such videos like Brentalfloss's "What if MM2 had Lyrics" and many different youtube artists playing them on piano or guitar, or Acapella like Smooth!

Or Smooth:

Mega Man 2 is such an amazing, although definitely one of the easier NES titles... especially compared to the first game in the series. Anyway, the gameplay still holds up phenomenally well.