Most Annoying Video Game Character


New Member
Hello Fellow Gamers,

I was just talking with my brother and we were discussing video game characters what really got under our skin, either by being annoying or just really not useful. Here are a couple of ones that drive me nuts.

1. Navi from The Legend of Zelda. HEY LISTEN! omg if I had to hear that one more time I think I may have possibly done the same thing as Link does in this video. Heres a funny for ya about Navi.

2. Daisy from any Super Mario game she has ever appeared in. The voice actress must be a lonely person with a voice like that. Sure did drive me nuts. Can you sit though all of this? It is almost worse than Navi.

What characters do you find annoying?
I'm going to go with the snickering dog from Duck Hunt. You know you want to shoot that jag & they make it a point so you can't which makes him even worse.
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Goofy (and Donald, but he's not-so-much annoying compared to Goofy) pisses me off in Kingdom Hearts. He doesn't actually help out in fighting >A<. Although after a few level-ups, I could say he pisses me off less :p

Another reason why Goofy and Donald pisses me off is when I have to jump and they're blocking my way, hahaha (i.e. in the world of Alice in Wonderland -KH1)
I've got one: the Lakitu. It's the koopa riding on a cloud on the super mario bros. game. It always annoyed me more that any other video game character out there. Even more than the adoring fan from TES Oblivion.
I'm going to go with the snickering dog from Duck Hunt. You know you want to shoot that jag & they make it a point so you can't which makes him even worse.

There was no point of having a dog that laughed at you when you missed the duck. I guess they added him to make it somewhat entertaining. They game was pretty much crap, but they added the dog for the hell of it.
Basically any sidekick from Zelda; Navi, Fi, Midna, etc. I like them, but I sure as hell dont need someone to tell me there's a door in front of my face.
I was actually going to say Daisy. She's way too perky that it's fake. For that same reason, Peach irritates me. I guess they are sisters? I don't really like Mario that much either although that might be because he's often been kind of a jerk in Mario Kart.
Goofy (and Donald, but he's not-so-much annoying compared to Goofy) pisses me off in Kingdom Hearts. He doesn't actually help out in fighting >A<. Although after a few level-ups, I could say he pisses me off less :p

Another reason why Goofy and Donald pisses me off is when I have to jump and they're blocking my way, hahaha (i.e. in the world of Alice in Wonderland -KH1)

I had forgotten about them. Why did you have to remind me? I'm just kidding. They drove me absolutely insane. I felt like they didn't contribute much to my fights besides annoying me to no end. I just don't see how Donald especially was needed as a side kick. I would have enjoyed it if you had a choice of who to take with you.

I hated Moneybags from Spyro more than anyone though. I wish I could have rammed him into a volcano. I know I always got my money back, but I just hated every encounter with him
I'm going to go with the snickering dog from Duck Hunt. You know you want to shoot that jag & they make it a point so you can't which makes him even worse.
The dog gets my vote too! I can't tell you how many times I wanted to shoot that dang mutt for laughing at every missed shot. Duck Hunt is in my top 10 of most frustrating games. I am not sure which was more annoying, the zapper which suffered from bouts of unresponsiveness or getting mocked by a dog!
Claptrap in Borderlands is another one. He just drove me nuts with his constant rants. He was a bit of comedic relief at times, but he was more of a thorn in the foot. I think his infinitely horrible puns and his voice were what made him annoying. I liked his rant about saying "wall sphincters" when he gets nervous though.
There was this one character in FF8 whose role was to be the annoying one. Even the main character was supposed to be annoyed with him, but I guess the fact that it was self aware of being annoying kind of lessened the effect for me, which I consider a good thing since it gives the character a bit of likability.
The dog gets my vote too! I can't tell you how many times I wanted to shoot that dang mutt for laughing at every missed shot. Duck Hunt is in my top 10 of most frustrating games. I am not sure which was more annoying, the zapper which suffered from bouts of unresponsiveness or getting mocked by a dog!

Getting mocked by the dog. I can deal with the Zapper. I cannot deal with a dog who is untouchable for some reason even though I am shooting it & the shots are registering. Not fair, Nintendo. Not fair.
Tidus from FFX. Granted, he may not be the most annoying character of all time, but he is definitely the first I think of when that question comes up. He singlehandedly makes me dislike that game.
In Grand theft auto Liberty City stories there was Maria making you do jobs for her driving to drug deals and ending up having to save her and getting yelled was a waste of time missions you had doing for her. In Odyssey to the west there was trip a female who in the begining of the game launches a spacehip with you barely staying on and puts a helmet on you if she dies you die so have to do what she says and help her out and find village and you have to make sure she is safe as she can't fight much which is annoying in any boss battle. In Dragon age origins Rendon howe torments people, and will not stop at anything even lying to get what he wants and throws morals out the window and will not back away when you tell him too and have to fight him in the end.
I was going to answer with the dog from Duck Hunt (because he laughs at the player's every failure as if missing were a joke that never gets old), but since he has been discussed in full above...

I'm instead going to answer with The Legend of Zelda's Wallmaster for the sheer frustration of being dragged back to the start of a given dungeon! Argh!

Most annoying character from a videogame that I can remember from the top of head is the dragon in Super Mario Bros 1. I really love blasting the lights out of that dragon when I was younger. Oh, another annoying character for me would be Toad from Super Mario Bros. as well. I guess it's the mushrom hat.
I just can't believe I forgot all about the game duck hunt! My God was that the most frustrating game ever made? The amount of times I was on the verge of throwing the unresponsive pile of rubbish across the room or out of the window was ridiculous.

And ah yes, the laughing dog. I think I'm scarred for life after that game.
There is a lot of Zelda talk in this thread and nobody mentioned the owl from Ocarina of Time. He seemed to talk forever and if you just hit A repeatedly to try to get through it you'd accidentally make him start all over again.
Oh, another annoying character for me would be Toad from Super Mario Bros. as well. I guess it's the mushrom hat.

Toad's annoyance for the player goes well beyond his mushroom hat!

Up to seven times in a row, Mario traverses a deadly fortress and battles a fire-breathing King of Koopas (not to mention the three perilous levels leading up to it) expecting to rescue Princess Toadstool... only to instead find her servant Toad and be informed that the princess is in an entirely different castle altogether!

And, to add insult to injury: Toad totally flips Mario the double bird the entire time! Seriously! That's some gratitude for being rescued! ;)
