New to the block

According to the late great Louis Grizzard, there were several iterations for naked.

Naked-you ain't got no clothes on.

Nekkid-you ain't got no clothes on and you up to something.

Now I don't even remember what we were talking about as being naked, but I am going to now say it was nekkid.

And Kurruption and Demi can fight over dammit, they've fought numerous times before. I have witnessed one of them. I claim smurf.

So shut the smurf up.

Oh and welcome Andre3k. Always great to have more people participating on the boards. Be careful of the ham hams.
Yeah, I worked at Chuck E. Cheese for a month. That job was awesome. If it paid more, I would still work there today. I didn't know about showbiz pizza and crap though.
Ham hams eh? Sounds dangerous
I'm Nekkid
Lol...I think it was through ImagoX. I don't know if you guys are familliar with him, but he had a link for it at another site.
Reply to: wijg:
And Kurruption and Demi can fight over dammit, they've fought numerous times before. I have witnessed one of them. I claim smurf.

So shut the smurf up.

Oh and welcome Andre3k. Always great to have more people participating on the boards. Be careful of the ham hams.
Yes Andre3k welcome

I think it's time demi and I have another fight, if my memory is correct we've had about 3 or 4 and wijg correct me if I'm wrong but last time didn't I end up getting stabbed???
Yeah, welcome dude.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to scratch my naked, furry man-chest. Ahhhh, that's the spot, right there...
Yeah, the uniform looks the same, but I think that mine is way cooler than Foot Locker's. You know you are jealous of it..
I post in the buff, but only when I'm at work. I get some pretty strange looks from the other people in the business center. They say, "Damn son, you're nekkid. N-E-double K-by God I-D."

Lois: You know, I'm not wearing any panties.
Peter: It's ok hon, we can always throw that chair out.
"oh, sorry I farted" I am too jealous of the chuck e cheese uniform, not even making fart noises, has helped me overcome how jealous I am, not being sarcastic by the way. And a step up from making farting noises, go to the mall, sit on an empty bench, make the noise and act like you're blaming it on some imaginary person, ah the faces people make "that was you"
Reply to: kurruption:

definitely too early, cover up the fur first, then post

I wish I could but I'm just so manly that it bursts through my shirt ala The Hulk.

On a positive note, the hair on the back of my head felt like sheep's wool this morning, only cleaner.