No Man's Sky


New Member
Dec 2, 2014
Is anybody else excited about this? I think the combination of space exploration and procedurally generated environments is a massively enticing prospect that has potential to be a brilliant experience.

Obviously the potential of this project is huge, but it's going to be difficult to get everything right that would allow them to capitalise on the potential. We're due to see more of the game at Sony's Playstation Experience event so hopefully we'll get some kind of indication of what the game is actually like in action.

What do you guys think?
I'm interested in it, but I don't have a PS4 so there's not much use in me getting excited. I hear a lot of hope it'll come to the Vita, so if it eventually does I'll definitely be in on it then.
This is a game I have not heard of before, it does sound like it would be interesting. Is there another way to play, maybe on a PC? Space exploration is exciting in itself, so this may be a huge thing among gamers. It is good to get amped up on something like this, so I can feel the excitement myself.
It seems like a really cool concept. I'd like to hear more about the game before I commit but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested. I'd also be lying if I said this was going to be the game that made me rush out and buy a PS4 today.
It sounds like a cool concept and I'm looking forward to it's release. I hope that they won't just create a big hype for the game and then just dissapoint the players, I hate it when this happens.
It sounds like a cool concept and I'm looking forward to it's release. I hope that they won't just create a big hype for the game and then just dissapoint the players, I hate it when this happens.

This is what is making me remain skeptical for the time being. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what it is you do in the game. Procedurally environments is really cool and all, from a programming point of view, but, at the end of the day, the game has to be fun.

This kinda sounds like Black & White or Spore. Two games that were way too ambitious and didn't really end up delivering. There was certainly a lot of hype around those games too, but the end result just wasn't that great.
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The game play video they showed blew my mind! The scale and size of all the planets and stars Is down right amazing. Im just hoping that the game works and that the servers can hold up on release because since its gonna be online all the time we all know what that means.
I can't wait for the release announcement. The "making of" interviews are great if you haven't checked them out.