OAC: Will IOS and Android players ever get to play together?


New Member
Nov 15, 2014
I think the fact that iOS players and Android players don't get to play together on order and chaos is a big deal. When I first started order and chaos I had an iPhone, and all my friends had Android. Imagine how upsetting it was for me to find out that I couldn't play this MMORPG with my friends! I actually bought a Google Nexus 7 so that I could play it with them. Is it possible for Gameloft to allow iOS and Android players to play together? Will it ever happen?
I don't really think so unfortunately. There's a lot of games exclusive to each store and with device compatibility makes playing together harder. Me and some of my friends can't play with each other since Game Center is an iOS thing. Even though I doubt it who knows? But still I think the likelihood of Android and Apple gaming isn't too good. Maybe it'll be possible in the near future.