Older Console Glitches


Nov 7, 2014
Have any of you experienced system glitches on classic consoles. Oh man, back in the day I remember my Sega Master System and Genesis use to freeze up on me from time to time. The messed up part it would be on a new hard to reach level. So of course my heart is pumping and I'm all excited, them booomm!! The games freezes and you have to restart the system.

Did this ever happen to you guys when dealing with the classic systems?
I know what you mean. Nothing a blow in the cartridge (for appropriate consoles and games) couldn't fix, although doing that would technically lead to premature wear on the component of the cartridge exposed to saliva and air. Still, it fixed the problem, but perhaps not the frustration of losing progress on a harder level.
I never really had much trouble with glitches because from my experience glitches usually were only present in the less popular games and most of the ones I played were popular enough titles I guess. Either that or I just never came across any of the known glitches. The most I can remember was some graphic errors or slight camera or movement glitches on ps1 games.
I can't remember how to do it exactly, but I do recall on the first Gameboy Color you would be able to use a debug mode to set the color palette for the game, even if the game itself wasn't programmed to have colors. It was a bit of a novelty but otherwise wasn't very useful.
The games were much simpler back then, so they didn't need fifty different patches just to make them work. There were a few useful bugs. I still remember the left peninsula of power in the original Final Fantasy. Enemies you wouldn't usually see till much closer to the end of the game popped up... just north of the second town. It was absurdly easy to level if you used that, though they were able to kill you easily enough early on.
As a kid, I never experienced many or any glitches. If you watch speedruns, you will see tons of glitches in game that are entertaining to watch. I recommend watching Megaman tool assisted speedrun on youtube. Very funny watching all the possible glitches you can pull off.
My all time favourite Angry Video Game Nerd episode depicts several rather frightening glitches from classic console games (and blames them on a "Game Glitch Gremlin," naturally!)


I swear, the glitched Clubber Lang will haunt our nightmares!


I also found a fun French Blogspot website compiling frightening game glitches (where I found the above Clubber Lang pic): Glitches from Hell! (Wait... so are glitches the fault of gremlins or infernal demons? Which mythical beast are we to superstitiously blame?!)