One game that I am addicted to I would have to say is definitely Sims 3. For some reason I could play this game day and night and never ever get sick of it. I find I can never build the biggest house or have the biggest family, so many baby names I want to use , they all have different interactions I want to try out. It is awesome I love the game.
To my shame and's Guild Wars 2. Managed to shake off my WoW addiction for GW2.
Haha, that's kinda silly, you basically quit a drug to get hooked on another kinda similar drug.
Yeah pretty much. Well the good thing about this drug is that it doesn't really cost me much- if any money haha. *Hangs head in shame* Idk about $100 in 3 years? WoW on the other hand- doing the math is like $2.5k or so in the span of 5 years? Since GW2 doesn't require subs, I'm not pressured as much to play it 24/7 like I did with WoW. I mean I can actually take a hiatus from GW2 and not feel bad about it.