With mobile handsets becoming more and more powerful, they are able to run more sophisticated and graphic demanding games. Are they making PlayStation Vitas, Nnintendo DSs' and other mobile gaming devices less and less popular?
I think you are right on the money. The sales data certainly indicates this too. Gamers are buying fewer games for their handheld gaming consoles with both Nintendo and Sony seeing a drop in digitally purchased and downloaded games as well as physical copies of games. All handheld gaming console sales dropped a reported 27% from Quarter 2 of 2013 to Quarter 2 of 2014.I think eventually, mobile devices that are purely built core gaming will be a thing of the past. With smart phones and tablets getting meor and more powerful, I can't see the point of carrying round another device strictly for gaming.
Sales of hand held consoles has already taken a drop and I can see this trend continuing.