PC Gaming Dead? Lol


New Member
Nov 8, 2014
I chuckled after readin the subtitle of the forum, I don't think any true gamer would remotely agree to that, it didn't even seem that way a little from where I'm sitting. There may not be alot of PC gamers but trust me the PC gaming sector is already much larger, and is growing at a much more robust pace than console gaming, don't believe me? well check out this forbes artice: http://onforb.es/1BwC8ZY, it outlines that the PC gaming sector was 21 billion strong this year and is expected to grow to 23 billion by 2017, the hardware sector alone trounces consoles, with chip makers Intel, AMD, NVIDIA at the fore front of the discussions, these chip makers make such powerful graphic cards that they can power games up 4k resolution, that's 4 times the best average of the current-gen consoles (1080). So when we say PC Master Race, we're not kidding, we are superiors, in every way, the current-gen consoles are about as powerful as a low end, entry level gaming PC.
PCs really are objectively better than consoles in every aspect, objectively, and there is no room for argument at all. The only reason consoles are worth it is for exclusives, but they have no advantage over us.
well a common argument I hear from consolers is its relative affordability as opposed to a decent gaming PC, but thats no longer true, you can get mid range gaming PC, which is better than current gen consoles, if you buy the builds yourself and put em together.
I agree. Pc gaming being dead is a joke. I would argue that the reason console people don't build a pc, is because they are afraid of either getting the wrong part, or irreversibly damaging a part. You ruin a 500$ graphics card, you might as well bash your head against the wall.

My main argument for pc, is a pc will last three times as long as a console, even though its only twice as expensive to get a really good one. (I base this off the xbox one being 500$ at launch, and a cyber tron brand pc with an 8core proprocessor, the shockwave 2 model, is current 999$ on amazon).
Yeah, I think people say PC gaming is dead because physical games aren't really in stores anymore, now that we've gone pretty much all digital. You'd only see Steam cards and E-rated games as the only PC items in game stores now, otherwise we're pretty much good. But gaming PCs don't have to be expensive to be good. I found a couple of good deals that either matched or beat the Xbox One and PS4 for about the same price, or less. What people don't understand is that a gaming PC also doubles as a PC. And that a PC can be repurposed later after it becomes obsolete, where as a console won't have that many purposes unless it's jailbroken.
Who are we? When you say we he PC games, what do you actually mean? It's not a race or a caste. Anyone can become a PC gamer or vice versa. And yeah, I agree that it's far from being dead. More and more games are coming to PC nowadays. Even Japanese companies are stating to show interest in PC.
I agree, I don't think PC gaming is dead and I think it is more popular than ever due to games being much more accessible through Steam and other similar services. I disagree that there should be an us vs. them mentality though. Lots of console owners also have powerful PCs and vice versa. As long as everyone is having fun then who really cares what you use.
PC is the future of gaming. Silly console peasants...they are the reason we don't have 60 fps options for so many games yet :mad:
PC is the future of gaming. Silly console peasants...they are the reason we don't have 60 fps options for so many games yet :mad:
Well those games are usually a small version of Japanese games that have really unexperienced developers who don't care about the PC. But at least we have the mods to fix those issues, console players are stuck with what they get :p
PCs are far more technologically advanced and better performance-wise compared to any kind of console out there. You buy a console if you don't know anything about the components, and you just want to sit and play a game, that easy. But if you want to play games on a big screen, big resolution and STUNNING graphics, you'd go for the PC. Why? Sure, it does mean you'll have to upgrade every now and then, but think about it, next-gen consoles come out and no more good games are coming out for the older consoles, what do you have to do? Buy the new consoles. It's kind of the same. But, when you do buy the new consoles, they still won't be able to compare to the graphics of a PC game.
A gaming forum isn't complete without the PC vs Console Thread. Lol! I'm a PC gamer myself. I've been playing console, too, for several years but I still haven't got to truly fall for it. I always keep coming back to my gaming PC.
HAHAHAHAHA! PC games have been around since the days of Pong, and it ain't going nowhere any time soon! Also, it takes computers to make any video games, which include console games. Any moron who believes PC games will go out of fashion, is a highly ignorant person.
I don't think that the PC gaming will ever die out, because you can play the games that are on consoles with better performance and better graphics. The consoles are always one or more steps behind the PCs and I don't think that this will change anytime soon. Yeah, sure you can buy a console for less money than a decent PC, but you will have to buy a new console every year(every release) to play the newest games with the best available performance. If you buy a decent PC you will have to upgrade the graphic card every year or every other year and that's it.
I don't think there is anyone who is seriously into gaming who can argue that PC gaming is dead. Even though it's just my own personal experience, I find that my gaming friends are actually becoming MORE involved in PC gaming, especially since the price of building a great computer has fallen.
PC gaming will never die. There is always going to be a market for PC gamers and for the components that they buy too. Once you start playing on PC, you get hooked. I really got deep into PC gaming earlier this year and I love it. PC gaming has so many perks. I have also enticed one of my console friends into PC gaming and he enjoys it too.
PC gaming will never die. There is always going to be a market for PC gamers and for the components that they buy too. Once you start playing on PC, you get hooked. I really got deep into PC gaming earlier this year and I love it. PC gaming has so many perks. I have also enticed one of my console friends into PC gaming and he enjoys it too.
I agree with you 100%. People act like just because the one time cost is cheaper that console gaming is cheaper in general. I argue that to play the best games PC gaming comes out far ahead considering how cheaply it is to upgrade a single component.
I agree with most here have already said. PC will never die and eventually people will catch on and get tired of having to upgrade to the nex gen consoles and drop another 700 bucks for it. Just upgrade your PC. It be cheaper and it has multi usage.
I would still pick PC gaming over any other consoles any day! I for one is just not comfortable in pressing a lot of buttons in a console when I play specifically Xbox. Using the keyboard is not really easy too but a little practice in gaming with it will do the trick LOL
*Laughs hysterially at that ridiculous notion.* (Sarcasm) Oh, yes. It's TOTALLY dead! I'm pretty sure that everyone that has a gaming computer wasn't informed of this opininated decision, as well as all the companies that put out for PC users. Whatever will be computer gamers do?

But seriously, this is as inane as the time where that one guy in Sega was saying: "Oh, RPG's won't caught on in America. We shouldn't invest in it." Yep, you killed off the company because you thought it wasn't a genre that wouldn't catch on. Way.to.go.
PC gaming is hardly dead. Sure there was a small lull during the PS2 era but since then PC's been on the rise. Thanks to Steam I can purchase and play hundreds of games on the PC that's a lot more interesting than what's on the console. I still play a few consoles because of exclusives, but overall, I prefer to play on the PC.