PlayStation versus Nintendo


New Member
Jan 19, 2015
Is the PS4 more popular then the Wii/Wii U system. It seems that the PlayStation will always be the reigning champ. Why is this?
Maybe in sales, but for pure gaming bliss, Nintendo will always be king. I play games to enjoy with others in a local experience, and this is something that Nintendo excels at. So as long as the Wii U is profitable, we all win.
PS4 is the more popular console period. We're not considering Nintendo as a company we're considering the Wii U. So, Nintendo needs to hike up its skirt & get to it's next console already so they can get back in the race. Wii U is a toothless weaponless Bowser in the Mario Kart that is gaming today. Way behind.
It definitely seems to me that the play station is a lot more popular now a days than the nintendo consoles, but I prefer nintendo over any other system.
Why are these questions? The Playstation 4 is one of the most popular gaming consoles of all time according to sales, and it's even on par with the PS2, which is the highest-selling console of all time, if I recall correctly. That's an amazing accomplishment. Now, the Xbox 360 was king beforehand, but now Sony's console is undisputed at the top.
The head of Sony once said that they aren't in direct competition with the Nintendo and after reading his explanation I'd have to say I agree. They are just in completely different markets even though they both make video games. Nintendo is geared more towards families and children whereas ps is for young adults and hormonal teens.
Pretty much what Goldie said. Nintendo has always been more family orientated and always will be since that's the company's current stance. They have released a few serious titles but for the most part are more interested in targeting the younger-pre-teen crowds and families that want to do something together.

Xbox and Sony are in direct competition with each other for the teenage/adult demographic.
It's all in the games that you play. To say that Nintendo is ONLY for families is a bit of a stretch. I think the stigma comes from the fact that a good majority of people know Nintendo from it's major installments that they overlook what other things are on their system. Try getting a little kid to play No More Heroes and see how well THAT goes over with parents, hmm?

In any event, it's because of this stigma that Playstation "dominants" over the gaming "wars." Even though, if you think about it, we have Nintendo to thank for that since they ended up creating that rival years mistake, oops.