PS4 is now obsolete technology, you still want one?

This frame of logic counts for any console, actually. The computer will be top dog no matter what because it's completely customizable Unlike a console, which TECHNICALLY, should only be modified by the company, you could build your computer however you want. You want more memory? Get more memory. You want better graphics to smooth out frame rates? Up your specs up. The consoles come from the company that only has it set to a certain standard, as it's less fixable.
The home computer packs more punch than a PS4. Do you still want one? I'm sure the PS4 will be sold for another 4 to 6 years before finally being discontinued. The home computer will be leaps and bounds superior in every way by then. The games will be spectacular on the PC. You still want to get a PS4?

Until about few years ago, PlayStation 4 was one of the best gaming console that you can have that you will play so many video games on.

Apart from PlayStation 2, there is no order gaming console that was far more better than PlayStation 4 until PlayStation 5 was released.
The home computer packs more punch than a PS4. Do you still want one? I'm sure the PS4 will be sold for another 4 to 6 years before finally being discontinued. The home computer will be leaps and bounds superior in every way by then. The games will be spectacular on the PC. You still want to get a PS4?

It has been a couple of years now, and the PlayStation 4 is still one of the top games around. Believe me when I say that most consoles built by Sony are here to stay for a longer period of time.
The home computer packs more punch than a PS4. Do you still want one? I'm sure the PS4 will be sold for another 4 to 6 years before finally being discontinued. The home computer will be leaps and bounds superior in every way by then. The games will be spectacular on the PC. You still want to get a PS4?
I still have a lot of friends who are playing on their PlayStation 4 console and they are not seeing it as a technology that is obsolete the way you put it. Some of the PlayStation 4 still have backward compatibility with PlayStation 5.