Streams you watch?


Nov 15, 2014
Who are some of your favorite streamers? is a streamer of DooM mostly, very chill stream and he's streaming as of now! Rex is a fun streamer that plays a variety of things. Boshy speedrunner that's also started playing other things. currently working on beating all the NES games, all of them. Has already beaten quite a few stinkers like Ikari Warriors, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Friday the 13th. speedruns Lost Levels as Luigi and a few other things, very chill guy and runs a PG stream. Also does gameshows with chat!
I don't watch any streamers, I've never been interested in watching someone else play a game.
I love to watch streams on my free time. It allows you to connect with different people that play games that you like. One of my favorite streamers is named Forsenlol. He usually streams games like hearthstone and H1Z1.
I don't watch too much currently, but its something I like to do when I have a bit more free time. I like to watch streams varying form e-sports to Games Done Quick and just fun streams. My favorite streamers are probably Ninja, who streams Halo, and Sp4zie, who streams LoL. They are both really funny, and Ninja is also really good at Halo. Definitely check them if you like the games.
I don't enjoy watching streams, I do not see why people enjoy it so much. I enjoy a nice YT video that I can pause when I want and watch it when I want without an annoying streamer.
I watch streams all the time. I don't know why, but since the time I was introduce to gaming, I've always enjoyed seeing someone play. Just being there watching, talking and suggesting on what he/she should do is very entertaining to me.
I can never stream a game unless I have nothing else to do. Movies and series though I get them from Netflix. was so cool when it was going. Now there is just an ominous countdown clock. Half-Life 3 confirmed?
When I bother to watch streamers, I almost always watch speedrunners. They're usually quieter than the average streamer, and their commentary is much more instructive. (I wanted to be a speedrunner streamer, but I don't have the patience to learn games to the same extent. Oh well.) Some favourites:

Puwexil. Usually runs RPGs, and they're usually Final Fantasy. Extremely nice guy, very quiet and modest, and he knows so much about the games he plays. His chat is also really chill.

SpikeVegeta. Usually runs Rayman, as well as other platformers. Sometimes collaborates with Puwexil on RPGs. Nice guy, also fairly chill, and (last I checked) rocks an awesome 'fro.

ObdaJr. More RPGS! You see the theme. Nice guy, chill, good chat, etc. He likes to play Breath of Fire, and is really good at it, and I like Breath of Fire, so there you go.

Trihex. Typically specializes in Yoshi's Island, and is a beast at the game. Cool guy, and usually has a higher-energy chat. Also, another awesome 'fro.

I also enjoy watching Felicia Day and Ryon Day stream together from time to time. Their sibling squabbling is fun.
It is always difficult for me as I speak with you to even cover up movies that I download on the internet not to talk of watching some online. One key factor is that I've not really gotten that interest on those ones for I would prefer gaming and having fun with friends instead of having to spend my money watching movies.
I rarely watch streamers, but I sometimes check out some LoL personalities and Hearthstone (back when I was still playing the game). imaqtpie, Sneaky for LoL and Amaz/Strifecro for HS.
I watched Filipino streamers that some of you didn't know. I watched streamers on Womboxcombo like Coach Byb, Kuya Nic, and Alo. I also watched Cong, Junnieboy, and EenPanda. For international streamers, I watched Shroud a lot. I enjoy watching him play PUBG and enjoy watching him donate to other streamers.
I watched gaming streamers related to PUBG and NBA2k. Troydan is my favorite. He is funny and enjoyable to watch. His contents are amazing too. I usually watch streamers on their YouTube channel.