Tamj: Boy or Girl?

Am I a boy or a girl?

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I don't think my mom is THAT charitable. But if it causes bleeding then you might want to have your surgeon put on a newer one. I hear that they can do that after sex changes...
Spuds is grasping at straws. Kurruption wins. And having declared an official loser, Spuds gets to give Tamj the cup check. You might want to wear a rubber glove... just in case.
i figured it out!

tamj is a-sexual, like a smurf or a robot.
tamj just reproduces by vomiting out clones of itself, like a grabboid from the movie tremors
Yeah Spuds, its over man...
And can someone find Tamj and drag it to its computer so it can tell us what the hell it is?
Cuz if not were gonna have to make an assumption once and for all, and it's not gonna like it.
I think its waiting for us to show up at its house with torches and pitchforks. And you know, flamethrowers ands stuff...

sorry about that guys. my mom kept me away from the computer for a while and i hated that. btw the polls are not done...yet. be patient guys.
freky, huh? If the image galleries didn't get wiped out when Stan upgraded the forums and stuff, I'd have a perfect animated .gif for this whole situation.
ok, the fact that the word "mom" was involved with Tamj's access to a computer verifies the asexuality. Either it's a boy whose balls haven't dropped (making not a man) or a girl who hasn't developed boobs or anything feminine (making less than a woman). If Tamj is above childhood, then the fact that "mom" still has so much control of it deletes any rights as an adult and we go back to childhood. So asexual child is the verdict. Darth has spoken.
Haha I go away for like half a year and we're still guessing if Tamj has balls or not! Well from her last post I'm guessin' it's a chick. No self respecting guy would want people guessing about his manhood (unless he's gay of course). She, like all women, love to keep men guessing about anything and everything. They like messing with our minds man! And like Darth said, I'm also thinking she's something like 12-16. No need to speculate anymore, The Maverick has spoken.