The worst steam winter sale ever? Or am I just jaded


New Member
Jan 1, 2015
Maybe I have just bought too many games at this point, but it seems like there was nothing worth getting this winter sale. Normally it's the most exciting thing to happen in the gaming world for me, but I didn't buy a single item this year. Were the deals just not as good? Do I have too big a backlog? I don't know. What do you guys think? Fail sale?
I'd chalk it up to a backlog of games or that you just weren't into what was on sale. It was a great Steam sale overall, and I know plenty of people that bought far more games than they should have. I think I bought five or six games, although I probably could have spared the money for a few more that I wanted.
I didn't buy anything this winter, gaming-wise. I have a lot of games to work through, so I don't really need to pick up any more. So, I would say that it's perfectly fine to not pick anything up. Cryyo, one good rule I've worked with is that you shouldn't buy something just because it is on sale. Buy it if you want it, and if it's on sale, ever the better. :)
I think it will be this way in the years to come. The difference is that Steam is getting very lax with their standards and what games they sell. This means that the winter sale seemed to be a lot of games nobody ever heard of, or will hear of. A few years ago, almost all of the game on Steam overall were big names, and so the sales were filled with big name titles.
I think the Steam sale was pretty good. I usually go on Steam from time to time and I just add things to my wishlist, so that when a sale of any sort comes around I will know instantly. I was getting a lot of emails about the sale so I went to take a look, and there were a lot of good games on sale. Sadly, I didn't buy anything, but I was really tempted to.
Bit of both - I think 2014 didn't have as many blockbuster titles as there were in prior years. The sales themselves were alright, but the games being sold in general weren't that attractive. I ended up only buying two games during this winter sale, as opposed to around 10 in prior years.
I ended up buying more than I had anticipated. I thght Steam did a great job of discounting games to the point that it made impulse buys hard to resist. While there may not have been an overwhelming amount of AAA games on dale, there were enough solid games for me to add to my backlog all at a reasonable price.
I think that there were many repeated discounts from the recent summer and autumn sales, hence there wasn't really many new offers that would excite people. That said, I think some really good games hit their lowest price yet this sale, such as Wolfstein, This War of Mine and Shovel Knight.
There aren't a lot of new games that are on deep sale, and the ones that are most people already own anyway, so its probably just a mixture of a backlog and there not being too many new games on steam worth buying at their current prices.
I think this year was kind of a wash as far as blockbuster titles being released. Also as for the indie games and whatnot, I personally already own most of the ones I'm interested in. I wouldn't say the sale was a wash, just it didn't have much to offer to those who already had most of what they wanted.
Part of it, for me, was that there were a lot of indie/smaller release games in the sale that were already fairly inexpensive before the sale, so I'd already bought the ones I wanted. Otherwise, the only good deals I saw were on games I already own. I picked up a couple of titles I'd been eyeing for a while, but it was a lot different than in years past, where I've had to talk myself out of spending too much.
This winter sale was sort of disappointing, yes. I didn't really pick that much up honestly, and I usually pick up ALOT.

Mostly I already had alot of the games I wanted in this sale. The other games were still too damn expensive imo.
So myeah, I do agree it wasn't the best.
The only thing I bought was a DLC for Payday 2. There was nothing that interested me and could've played on my PC. I came to the point where I played most games I could run and actually want to play. That's pretty sad :(
I found the sale to be more of an opportunity to get some games as gifts for people I know. Most of the ones I would want I had already bought in the past, so it was a chance to get some copies for friends I'd like to play multiplayer or coop with.
HAHA Steam seems to be possibly in a Budget crisis I think. I find it curious at the 4th quarter of last year the decided to STOP giving in games items away in Dota 2. So this tells me either they are having budget issues or they are getting greedy. Either ay it is ok for me Ill be with them until the end, But I miss my items they used to give us in dota. Also the Dota Christmas package was not very good compared to all the other years. They gave a lot less this year than ever. I thought Christmas was the time for Giving, i guess Steam put that memo in the bathroom and wiped their butt with it.
I didn't buy anything for myself this time, I already owned most of the games that were on sale and the ones that I wanted weren't. It was a little disappointing, I most of the time buy A LOT of games and stuff, but this year it was 0. I did buy new games for my friends as a holiday present. I really hope next time will be better.