Thoughts on Far Cry 4?


New Member
Dec 10, 2014
I have never played any of the games in the Far Cry series, but had heard a lot of good things about this newest edition. Has anyone played it? Is it good, better, worse?
Far Cry 4 has some awesome graphics, but I am just so overwhelmed by how much there is to do in the open world. All the animals trying to kill you, especially the eagles, can be really annoying. It just gets irritating when foxes and eagles keep trying to maul you while you're doing an outpost mission. Another thing I'm kind of sad about is that there's no weather like in Far Cry 2, but that's okay. Still, this is one of my favorite games because at least I don't get bored playing it. One thing that's cool is that I heard you can finish the game with an alternate ending within 15 minutes of even beginning the game.
I really, really recommend FC4. It's awesome in so many ways and there is so much to do. It has been a huge effort by the Ubisoft team and it really deserves a good props. World is huge and you will get immersed immediatly. The story is a bit tricky but if you follow closely, i'm sure you will see lotsa possibilities to finish the game in many ways. Also the game does not have 1 ending. It currently has 3 different story endings + 1 hidden.
Far too many people said that FarCry 4 seemed to similar to FarCry 3, but they're different beasts entirely. FarCry 4 is a vast improvement over its predecessor, especially in graphics and things to do in the open world. I love that game far more than I ever cared for its predecessor.
I also never played any of the other Far Cry games. I heard great things so I decided to get Far Cry 4. The game can be quite challenging. There are a lot of animals that try to attack you while your doing missions. The only thing I do not like is that sometimes you are just left out in the middle of no where after you have completed a mission. Overall it is a great game. I am still trying to work through it.
I'm late to the piece as the game came out a little while back now. But I've just started playing it! I've played 3 and if I'm honest, it's much the same. FC4 is just a lot bigger. The basic premise of the game is the same as well. Random guy is left in the forest of an exotic place and must find his way home with the help of the native people. Some want him dead, some want him alive. Why? Who knows, but that's how it goes in the Far Cry Series. I do love the game play though, the crafting is great fun, the harvesting of plants for power ups is great, and the open world mechanics of everything is a 8\10 ! Just give it a go before you buy it, in case you don;t like it in the end lol
Im another one that as never played any of the far cry games, I've heard you either love them or hate them. The open world and the sheer size of the game, the endless amounts of things to do is appealing but I don't get the story. Is there even a story or, like what's already been said, is it just a guy trying to make his way home?
I think I'm definitely going to give far cry 4 a go, just to see what all the fuss is about, might wait till it comes down in price though, just in case...
I've played both Far Cry 2 and 3 and they are both pretty awesome games. The open world exploring in different locations/environments makes it a unique experience with each game release. I'm still currently trying to save up for Far Cry 4 though
I have a friend of mine who's always raving about this...
I played the first one for about a minute or two, and it was pretty awesome...
That's definitely on my buying list, if I end up going for the PS4.

The open world and the sheer size of the game, the endless amounts of things to do is appealing but I don't get the story.

There's a lot of people shooting at you, and you have to return fire, and kill every bad guy...
I think that's about it :D
Thanks for clearing the story line up :)
After hearing that it sounds totally different from all the other games then. serioualy tho, i will give it a go, one other quick question but i can play far cry 4 without playing the others cant i? I mean its not like a full story and they all follow on from eaxh other, if that makes sense?
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Fantastic game, fantastic setting and fantastic graphics. I can't speak for the co-op as I haven't tried it yet, nor have I tried the multiplayer, but the single player is absolutely amazing. Kyrat is a beautifully crafted region, and you always find something to do in it. I really enjoyed the story, and I would recommend this game to all gamers.