To The Moon (released 2011 by Freebird Games) is a somewhat popular story driven title that is known for its heartfelt narrative. The story revolves around two scientists who enter a dying mans memories in an attempt to alter them and give him his dream. It sounds bizarre but it becomes quite interesting and the story sometimes tugs on your heartstrings a little.
The game uses a pixel style graphic design and the "game" portion mostly amounts to you walking around and collecting things. Don't be fooled, this is definitely one of those book story type games that not everyone can enjoy.
I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in playing out a little story game, it's quite a gem and the reviews online for it are very positive (4/5 metacritic, 5 star on steam, 7.5 IGN).
Who else has played through this tiny masterpiece? Did you enjoy it? Are you excited that there is a sequel in the works? Join the discussion below ~
The game uses a pixel style graphic design and the "game" portion mostly amounts to you walking around and collecting things. Don't be fooled, this is definitely one of those book story type games that not everyone can enjoy.
I would definitely recommend it to anyone interested in playing out a little story game, it's quite a gem and the reviews online for it are very positive (4/5 metacritic, 5 star on steam, 7.5 IGN).
Who else has played through this tiny masterpiece? Did you enjoy it? Are you excited that there is a sequel in the works? Join the discussion below ~