What is the very first video game you remember playing...

probably ski-free or the lion king for pc, I have pretty fond (and early) memories of jazz-jack rabbit as well, it was all good fun :D
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My memory is fuzzy but I think something from the Super Nintendo, perhaps Duck Hunt? I can definitely remember playing Pokemon Blue/Red otherwise for the Gameboy.
Sonic the Hedgehog on the Sega Genesis. I can't believe how many hours I spent playing a game that solely involves going side-to-side. Yet I never finished that game. I've always wanted to try and finish it when I've got the time, but there's so many games and so little time.
Super Mario Bros for the NES.

Granted it was less actually playing and more jumping in holes. Because I was like, 2.
Wow reading down all of your posts makes me kind of old because the first game I can remember playing was..


Oh the good old days of Atari, that game was so hard!
The first game I can remember playing is mortal kombat on the Sega Genesis. Before that I played some old games that looked like lego designs on the portable Chinese made game. The Sega Genesis was the first tv game I played as a kid.
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My very first game was Super Mario Bros on the family computer. I remember how fun it was. I jump when the characters jump...thinking that me jumping will make the character jump higher. I was so young then. I am not an avid Nintendo fan, but that game gave me hours of wonderful gaming memories.
Some of my earliest memories playing video games was sitting at my computer, playing Backyard Baseball. Ugh I miss that game.
Battlefront. Hell of a game. I played it with my siblings. To this day we still fire up the Ps2 sometimes and just mess around for a few hours, whether we are beating the campaign missions to it or just going in instant action, we always have a great time. That game has just been so fun and it has never gotten boring for me once throughout the years while other games have. I heard that they were making a battlefront 3 but I haven't looked into it. I figured if they did that it would just be the old games with better graphics, or they would try something drastic with it, which is fine with me, all of my siblings and I are older now so we wouldn't play it anyway, we would just stick with battlefront 1 and 2, because those are what started it for us.
Medal of Honour for the Playstation 1. I remember playing it with my father and bonding over one particular pixelated mission where we were stuck in the trenches try to kill Nazis. I also particularly remember the case being very flimsy and breakable and it was in terrible condition after a short amount of time. I think thats where my interest in first person shooters came about. Its's a rather small interest and I can't actually come up with a valid reason why I like it, so I conclude that it must be formed from playing Medal of Honour with my father.

I am an ancient guy so I go all the way back to video pac as a child as well as ZX Spectrum, most of you not even born yet eh? :p
Pong for the Atari 2600. I feel kinda old now, playing Smash U with my kids
My preschool also doubled as a summer school for teens doing bad in school, and they would also get break time at the same times we would have recess. I remember two boys playing Pokemon Yellow and allowing me to play for a little bit while they explained the logistics of the game. Shortly after that the I got a Gameboy Color for my birthday and my first official game that I got to play all the way through was Super Mario Bros. I still really love both of those games and kept them for nostalgia purposes to this day.
Anyone recalls a game called Bak to School? It was pretty awesome and advanced for the time, I spent hours with it.
Sonic the Hedgehog for the Master System, which was basically the only game I played everyday for 2 years. Then I got a Nintendo 64 and it was settled that I would be a gamer for life.
The first game I played came with my system: Mario Bros/Duck Hunt. I loved this game. It took so much time to complete it & there was no save. You would be screwed when you had to go to school.
I spent a lot of time too with Sonic and Mario Bros, those were classics and I still play them today from time to time.
My first game was probably either the original mario game on the famicom or a game called skifree on the pc, either of those. Sometimes I get a little nostalgic and look for those games to play them in my pc again. So far I only got to play skifree. Maybe I'll fire up my famicom one of these days and play mario.
I remember I used to watch my mum playing the Myst games when I was very young, like 4 or 5. Obviously a bit too small to be joining in at that point! Then when I was a bit older I got a Gameboy Colour for my birthday along with Pokemon Blue, while my brother got Pokemon Red. We used to trade and battle our Pokemon and after that I was hooked :)
This is such an interesting question. Not only does it bring back warm and fuzzy memories of a time period when video games truly seemed like magic to me (I mean, real magic. That's how it seemed to me back then), but it also hurts a bit because it makes me feel old. :/

Anyway, even though I doubt many of you will know this game (without googling it) the very first one I played was Saboteur II on my ZX Spectrum 48k. It was also known as Saboteur II: Avenging Angel in case that helps to ring any bells at all. The star was a female ninja that fell to the ground via a hand glider, if I remember correctly.

Amazing game, or so it seemed. Intricate maze like levels, tough as nails, and an AWESOME music theme that still rings in my ears.