What made you get a Wii U?

I don't own a WII U yet, but I'm saving up. All of the Mario games are an incentive but there are just so many awesome games on this system. Plus, the WII Network is a lot better than the network on the WII.
Pretty much exclusively for the new Smash Bros game. I just couldn't miss it, even if it costed me ~£200. Also the prospect of a new open-world Legend of Zelda game is mouth-watering. Can't wait!
So you are a Mario fan eh Brady? Mario was pretty cool, but it doesn't attract me that much these days. :)
You know what? I never bought the Wii U. The only reason this is in any way significant (because given the sales numbers MANY people didn't buy the Wii U) is because I own EVERY (I mean every) other Nintendo console/handheld gaming device. It just didn't interest me enough.
The Wii is really cool Joan, you should give it a go. It's not that expensive and it's really entertaining, I like it a lot.