What's your favorite game (musical) score?

Though not a musical score per se, the theme/intro music for Burnin' Rubber still makes me feel nostalgic. I think I was one of the 300 or so owners of the Amstrad 6128 plus, and while it was a complete and utter flop, it did give us this wonderful gem.

I don't think I have just one favorite to top them all, but I'm gonna mention one in particular for this thread. The score to Demon's Souls. What an exquisite set of pieces beautifully performed by a real orchestra. I love how the Japanese compose... they're very musical, which sounds dumb but it's true, they work hard on memorable melodies unlike most Western score music.

Here's a couple samples:

Alright so I think it's pretty clear to everyone how Final Fantasy rules the musical score game, right? The Japanese overall have some of the best scores I've ever heard, both for games and anime series.

And while I absolutely agree about the FF appreciation (particularly FFX, the nostalgia is strong for me) I wanna change it up a bit and bring forward my love for indie games music, particularly The Binding of Isaac and Crypt of the Necrodancer, because I love Danny Baranowsky.

My brother also made me like the LoL score.