A lot of what drew me to PC gaming was the upkeep on my desktop. I liked the idea of just having to upgrade parts of my rig instead of having to buy a new console every several years. Don't get me wrong, I still like console gaming, but when I found out the Playstation and Xbox weren't going to be backwards compatible with their games, that really turned me off of them,I would really choose the PC games because it is more convenient and works fine for me. I can do a lot of gaming in a PC compare to a gaming console. PC gaming is now becoming more popular in my country here in the Philippines than the gaming console that is why I would really considered this to have it. Besides PC games are also great and there are a lot of choices to have also.
It's one thing to have to buy a new console, but to reinvest your money in all of your games too? That's absurd. My Steam library has been relevant for well over 10 years now, and I don't have any problems reinstalling and playing games from long ago on my computer today.