Will you spend real money for games?


New Member
Sep 28, 2018
I will if I can afford to. Right now, i’m a college student who needs support of my parents financially. But then again, if ever I am making my own money then I guess spending real money is easy. I am a very competitive gamer and it always frustrates me whenever some of my friend have this large amount of gems or in-game cash to use. So putting real money into the game will help me defeat them one by one even if I have to lose real money in my pocket.
Well, I would if the game is really worth buying for, because I am a gamer, and I always want something new on gaming so its a yes for me.
For now, I don't think to buy any games. I would like to take advantage of free games. Maybe in the future, if I have a budget, then I will buy a game that I really like.
I do buy games, and if there is a very expensive game I wait for a discount or time to pass and the price to decrease. If I get bored by a game I sell it and buy a new game.
I think I would not spend real money for just playing some games since I have a lot of things that are much more important to spend from. I am already happy and contented for those games that are free since I just want to feel relax and happy for some time. Maybe I will just donate my money for those poor people who need it than used it for playing games since I can help others even in just small amount of money because for them it is already a treasure. It s not bad to buy games if we have a lot of money but then if we don't have much then better to just used or saved it for more important things if possible.
It depends. If I have the money for the games and other important for me things. Why not? But if I could've choose between a birthday present for my friend or a new game..gaming isn't as that important for me.
I won't even if I have the budget for that. I can still enjoy the game as is without spending money. For me, money should be spent for everyday and future needs.
That depends on a few factors to me. The first being the quality of the game; because I would not pay money for any convenience in a bad game. Secondly, whether or not I like the game enough to spend money on it is a big factor. There is also the consideration of how long I think I'll be playing the game in question. Finally, how convenient that purchased commodity is or how it helps me in the game. Those are the things that determine whether or not I would spend money in a game. If the question had to be answered in a yes or no fashion; yes, I would spend real money on games.
No im not,even i can afford or not i still not to spend money just for the game. Money is'nt easy to find nowadays. Games in my phone is enough i guess.
If the reviews are sky high good and if i see the trailer an exciting game yes i would spend my money on a game. I’m a gamer but i take care of my money on where i spend it I wouldn’t just be shoppingg games like a maniac i go on blogs or vlogs to see wheter a game is good. You can buy older games that you didn’t know was a good until someone played and tell you it’s good and the price goes down so you can buy more.
Why not, I have been putting money in games before now so it won't be a big deal if the game is worth my money and I have others always doing same for a win.I love competitive games especially those we can stacks with money.
This is something that a lot of us have been doing for so many years and I don't believe that we are ever going to stop as long as we keep playing video games that have microtransactions in it. The only thing that I'm trying to do is to cut down the amount of money I spent on such games on yearly basis.
If I have the funds and there is a game I have been looking for that I am eager to get then I will jump on it and pay real money for that game. Usually, I always wait for sales or for games to drop in price before I jump on a game unless, by the off chance, I have the funds to be able to jump on the game at the highest price on release.
There's no way I would be interested in a game and not spend real money on it. I buy into video game's microtransactions every now and then especially if the game is worth it.
I'm very happy to spend real money in games that I love to play. I've spent real money more than $500 on Fortnite.
Fortnite have been one of the online battle royale games that I have spent a lot of money on because the game it is very entertaining and interesting. Although I'm trying to limit how much I spend on the game now because I don't want to waste too much money.