Worst job?

I don't know about the infection. He is wearing waders and most plumbers know how to protect themselves. But most plumbers I've known have about zero sense of smell.

This could be the start of a good topic: What was the worst paying job you've worked? Include one-time gigs and regular jobs.
Yep. Technically, I'm a home-owner too. We've purchased a yet-to-be-built condo, but won't be living there for at least a year. We're renting until it's reading for occupation.

I definitely need to get out of the rut I've created for myself, but I have no idea what I should be doing. I know I want to write novels, but you can't exactly find full-time, well-paying novelist jobs. You have to make those jobs for yourself, and as far as I know, it takes at least 5 years after your first sale to be safe enough to quit your day-job.

So that leaves me needing a new day-job in the meantime.

Oh, and apparently I'm a Big Fucking Gun now. That's pretty cool!
Darth_Jonas said:
I don't know about the infection. He is wearing waders and most plumbers know how to protect themselves. But most plumbers I've known have about zero sense of smell.

This could be the start of a good topic: What was the worst paying job you've worked? Include one-time gigs and regular jobs.

I've got a fine list:

- Kitchen work at Chuck E. Cheese's.
- Sales assistant at a small publishing company. (20K is NOT acceptable for life in New York City)
- Door-to-door environmental campaigning (commission based on donations???)
- Blockbuster Video -- after two years, my pay grade went DOWN because I transferred to another unit near school where the state minimum wage was lower.
My worst job might just be the one I'm in now as far as enjoyability. I've got good benefits, but the pay is only slightly better than Taco Bell. I also feel that I'm not using one iota of my talents. I'm bored even when I am doing something!

Ah well, it pays the bills (barely).
Wow, it sounds like a lot of us are in the same boat, doing something we hate, for very little money.

I think this is what actually became of the American Dream. It would be interesting to do a nation-wide study into job-satisfaction, considering personal gratification and financial gratification.
Wish I can give it up, buy a surf board, move to small shack North Cali, or the Big Island, and become a bartender. Life would be simple and stress free.
The worst job is often one where passion and purpose are completely absent. Imagine clocking in every day to a monotonous routine, with tasks that drain your energy and leave you feeling undervalued. It’s a job where feedback is rare, support is minimal, and personal growth is stifled. In such a situation, even the NBI clearance validity seems irrelevant compared to the daily struggle for fulfillment, respect, and recognition. The worst job isn’t just about the specific duties; it’s about the profound lack of satisfaction that leaves you dreading each workday.