here are a few of the reasons halo 2 sucks
Bungie made Halo 2 in 10 months instead of three years.
Assault on Burial Mounds.
Time limits on every game.
3 round bursts
The Grenades.
Sniper auto-headshot.
Elite's speaking english
Dual Wielding
Waiting 3 years for Halo 2
No pistol with zoom in option only crappy magnum that isnt worth anything till duel wielded
People can fall from 1000 freakin feet and still live to tell someone about it
Burial Mounds enough said
And crazy king with rumble pit for some reason always at ascension
Halo: Assault rifle evolved
Fiesta talk about trying to get the worst game types.
no health bar just shelid
difficult user interface
warthogs on foundation
The sword has longer range than the shotgun.
Plasma Pistol follows you [too much]
The Grenades "Did You Know?"
Camoflauge acts like a bright orange workers vest
Halo 2 fanboys who think they're all of a sudden elite
Magnetic Bullets
The Sword - basically everything about it
Flag glitches
Missing Vehicles
1v1 Swords only
When you hump it looks like you threw your back out.
The radar's effective range.
The speed at which your shields recharge
Battle Rifle's bullet spread
Vehicle physics
The screen resolution
Homing rockets
Spawn points on Coag
Moon Jumping
Ghost boost
3 layered bases on Coag
Slow rockets
The Hype
Red team, when scoring last, wins even if the score is tied.
Being able to grenade weapons to yourself (I hope the sarcasm is completely obvious by now).
Bungie selling out.
Weapon spawning
Telefraging doesn't exist
Bungie removing everything that made halo good
Ending the game as the arbiter
All 2 of the levels that take place on Earth.
Killing a n00b and having almost no health left (SMG vs SMG)
The weapon balance. (Who's got the sniper?)
The standby glitch.
Other glitches.
The 1,000 other glitches in game - hello cloning.
Bungie's determination to fix the glitches. (Why should they? They're still selling copies.)
The way vehicles fly into the air when you hit them with a grenade. Wait. Do they?
Playing as the Arbiter for over half the game.
They some how found a way to make the needler worse.
False promises...
MC talking too much
Cotana's hair getting longer
So many video clips
Shady light values
The graphics.
The ghost having turbo
Guns that do the same thing
Legendary (get your shields back up, fight, repeat)
Racing to the weapons as a MAJOR part of the game.
Too much lag on live.
Shotgun consistency
The amount of skill it takes to kill.
The best weapon wins, not the best man.
The sniper-rifle modifications.
Earth will never be the same? Really? With all 2 levels you play on it?
The only thing keeping H2 alive is Xbox Live. - Oh so true..
I never know if I'm picking up the toy shotgun or the sniper shotgun
Not being able to pick up weapons that you SEE lying there.
The invincibility of the vehicles. - but just use a rocket - LMAO ROL
The inconsistency in every weapon including gernades.
The banshee on Ascension
Unfair initial respawns
No Damnation, Chill Out, Hang'em High, or Prisoner
The Sword. The Sword. The Sword.
Did I say the sword?
The Plasma Pistol auto-hit if you're not behind a wall. (Don't even bother strafing)
What? You thought you were going to have to aim in Halo 2? Not if Bungie has anything to say about.
What is all the money being spent on? - great question.
Bungie's inability to make Halo 2 announcements.
Anticipation for a game that is nothing more than disappointment.
People who defend bungie's display of glitches and flaws in fundametally unfair and subjective ways in the forums.
My ass hits the toilet seat harder than my guy pistol whips.
Being able to jump off anything, regardless of heighth, without a scratch.
Humping in Halo 2 compared to humping in Halo 1.
The lack of an option to turn off atleast one game you dislike.
Bungie's inability to acknowledge it's fans displeasure and suggestions for Halo 2 at its website.
The brute shot. Gosh that thing sucks. - ya, are those supposed to be explosives coming out of that gun?
4 player split screen. You better hope your enemy is directly in fron to you.
Its like CS...with aliens...
Spawns in Coagulation.
Destructable vehicles in multiplayer is worse then Non-destructable in H1.
King of the Hill at foundation
No ATV’s what’s up with that
one sniper rifle on collosus
the sword has no limits
getting killed by the biggest newb, only because he has a sword
the short campaign
No toggle from three round burst to single shot for battle rifle
Dropping your second weapon to throw grenade or meele attack - Yes! Amen. - I know it's realistic (for the grenade anyway), but just remove dual weilding!
No Fuel Rod Cannon in multi player
Playing for seven levels as an Elite
Leveling up on mutiplayer is meaningless - Glitches anyone?
All of a sudden your level 18 doesn't seem to mean as much anymore - Glitches anyone?
Seeing someone with the sword charge you while you have duel wielding weapons and the overshield and being surrounded by teammates and still realizing that you have no chance of surviving
"Randomly" spawning exactly where you died so that your still surrounded by the same 3 people who [killed] you 6 seconds prior
Not being able to select which type of gametype you want to play
Impossible to snipe people in tanks.
Vehicle boarding is
Doesnt even feel like HALO!!
I already have unreal championship in my xbox games collection!!
Allies can't ride on sides or scorpion tank
wraith can't shoot turrets mounted on the front
banshee can't shoot bombs in multi
jackels look like crap
no 4p co-op
no active camo on beaver creak
no "shade" turrets from H1
no dropships from H1
the flood
marines stealing my vehicles
only one type of each enemy
the bug/glitch guy at bungie not doing his job
The overpowered Scorpian (no sniping driver, faster shooting, more accurate last resort machine gun)
camo people are still easily visible
weak rockets
horrible lag (rainbow 6 style)
when sum1 closes a room on xbc (or when you get kicked), it hangs on the "setting up game" screen and you cannot press B to go back
worse glitching than halo 1 - really. how do this happen?
size of objects way off - the guns are huge and the outside is small
when trying to melee, he charges at the opponent (and throws me off)
star wars mode
it has made halo 1 (a better game) more obsolete (i hardly see halo 1 games on xbc. - great point.
Bungie is working for the government in an attempt to lower the population by causing teens to kill themsleves after witnessing H2
Plasma pistol/battle rifle combo, which takes zero skill
The bajillion glitches that allow cheating online
Plasma weapons not slowing down opponents’ motions at all. - huge
Getting Stand-Byed in a Team Training Game .. no joke it serisouly did happen to me. - LMAO
The Plasma rifle turned to crap.
The Plasma Pistol good for 1 thing(chargeup)and/or The Plasma Pistol's firing rate.
The desecration of Battle Creek
Warthog turned into a go-kart.
Spawning in an enemy's face in team slayer.
No more night vision or slow paced stealth missions in campaign.
No option for public custom games list.
Can't snipe the other base in Coagulation.
Vehicle physics aren't as fun.
UNSC tank is far too powerful, and can no longer be sniped.
Big team territories on Headlong.
Grabbing a flag through a wall.
No snowy levels, no ice.
campaign just simply not as fun as Halo
some of the top 5 players of the leaderboards are known cheaters with proof via video.
The Mad Dash u make thowards an opponent when u melee them, its an auto hit (no skill anymore? u dont have to time ur melee?).
Theres no color Black or Salmon
What do u do vs. a good banshee pilot when u dont have a rocket?
When u have a rocket, banshee easily dodges all 4 rockets.
Meleeing someone's back is not a 1 hit kill if they are in a turret
Over. Freaken. Hyped.
Overshield makes you look like a burning Christmas tree.
sword flying
cartoon graphics
mastercheif looks like a skinny little kid
no double melee
no pistol, when you spawn you might aswell slit your own neck.
halo 2 has nothing even near as good in sp as the maw
you cant heft grenades for miles like you could in halo mp
no skill needed to stick plasma nades
When you have the camo on coagulation and you get sniped in the head by someone on the other side of the course.
The boarding of vehicles is retarded and can hardly ever be pulled of since vehicles have boost (ghost, banshee, and wraith) or can turn on a dime (warthog).
the plasma pistol alone
Getting killed by a noob just cause they shot you first.
Not being able to smack your teammate in the back and kill them (come on you know that was an enjoyable factor in H1 when you were just messing around with some friends)
The battle rifle takes absolutely no skill to use...aim and fire...with the pistol you had to time your shots.....with the br you just put te reticle over the guy no matter what the distance.
They took out all the neat stuff you could do in H1, such as nading weapons.
co-op on legendary
Multi-CTF on Colossus
Nothing to counter the beam rifle on Colossus
Why can't I tell where I'm getting shot at from anymore?
Campers and swordwh0res are rewarded.
Halo 2 ended where Halo 2 should have begun.
Boss battles.
No small Maps Like Wizard!
Getting booted from a game when you did'nt even mean to kill your teamate.
It seems the camera is too zoomed in and the guns are too big, you can barely see whats on the side of the screen.