The story begins in Lior, the desert city that the Elric brothers, Edward and Alphonse encounter in the first episode of the anime series. Just as the brothers are unveiling the secrets of a cult called Leto, they engage in a battle with creatures from the unknown. Immediately after this, they encounter a mysterious woman who hands the brothers a ring and then disappears without a trace.
A frightening phenomenon is apparently sweeping the country; people in many regions are simply vanishing. In Resembool, the brothers come face to face with an extremely talented alchemist. It seems that he has some kind of connection with the vanishings and the strange creatures that have been sighted.
Colonel Mustang sends the brothers to a village to investigate these monsters, where they meet another interesting man, an archaeologist named Arlen who is studying the ancient civilization of Lebis. Now, the brothers must venture to Siam-Sid, the ruins of the capital city of Lebis, to discover the truth about the mysterious vanishings and monstrous creatures.
Keeping with the spirit of the anime series, players will take on a fast-paced action adventure with a compelling original storyline that complements the anime saga.
Key features include;
????Thirty minutes of original animation created exclusively for the game
???? Fully voiced event and movie sequences featuring actors from the top-rated anime series
???? Cameo appearances by the anime
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