A few days ago Mygamer posted a list of backwards compatible Xbox games that will work with the Xbox 360. Among the list were Bungie giants [i]Halo[/i] and [i]Halo 2[/i]. Now gamers who plan on buying the 360 are getting even better news about these two flagship titles. According to Bungie Studios, both games will run at a crystal clear 720p when played on the soon-to-be-released Xbox 360. This is a significant upgrade in resolution from the games? original 480p Xbox resolution.
Nothing extra will need to be done to the games or the 360 system, although players will need to be running the game on a 360 with an installed hard drive unit. Both games will feature full antialiasing and be displayed in widescreen format. On its web site, [i]Halo[/i] creator Bungie Studios had this to say:
?The texture ?pop-in? during [i]Halo 2’s[/i] cinematics is slightly improved, thanks mostly to the Xbox 360’s newer, higher-tech DVD drive. Other than that, you should expect your copy of [i]Halo 1& 2[/i] to behave almost exactly as they did before. Running side-by-side pics doesn?t do [the games] justice, so you?re just going to have to check it out for yourselves when the 360 ships .
?Both games can interoperate between 360 and Xbox, Xbox and Xbox, or 360 and 360. No special cable is required for the 360 – either Ethernet or crossover (System Link) Ethernet will work, even when connecting a 360 to an Xbox,? Bungie added.
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