Helheim Hassle is a new body desecrating puzzle-platformer

Norway-based developer Perfectly Paranormal announced their new body-puzzle platformer Helheim Hassle is coming to Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC via Steam early this year; to be followed soon after on PlayStation 4. 

Helheim Hassle is a narrative adventure game that is as much about friendship as it is about body parts. From the same universe (and set on the same Tuesday in fact) as previous hit Manual Samuel, comes this macabre adventure where you play as Bjørn, a pacifist viking who hates the idea of dying and going to Valhalla… who then ends up dying and getting taken to Valhalla. When Bjørn is resurrected to assist with a task for the mysterious Pesto, he sees a way to negotiate his way out. Using Bjørn’s undying corpse with its ability to detach and combine limbs at will, players must solve challenging puzzles and navigate tricky levels in order to retrieve a certain magical item… In return, Pesto will try to grant Bjørn a permanent residence in Helheim – what a hassle! 

Helheim Hassle is a narrative adventure game tasking players with completing up to 70 quests over 14 levels, requiring the use of all manner of different body part combos to complete the game’s unique puzzle platforming challenges. On this adventure, players will come into contact with 80 different characters from all walks of life (and death) ranging from frustrated god souls, bear ghosts, dragons, elves, dwarves and blue-collar goblins; all voiced by 24 professional voice actors delivering 3,700 lines of spoken dialogue!

Helheim Hassle is a wacky, fun adventure – moving on from the body-puzzle mechanics of Manual Samuel. With engaging levels and lively characters, I have no doubt players will have a blast playing through this game,” said Ozan, Project Leader from Perfectly Paranormal. “It’s been a pleasure to bring to life such an exuberant shared universe.”

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