LucasArts announces that Empires at War: Forces of Corruption goes gold.

LucasArts and Petroglyph Games announced today that the expansion to [i]Star Wars: Empire at War[/i] has reached the level of aurical purity necessary to achieve gold status. You're not fighting as The Empire or The Rebellion this time, no're going out on your own. You play Tyber Zann, unprincipled cad, who will go to any lengths to be a bigger crime boss then Jabba ever was..but hopefully not in terms of sheer poundage. You will not play around as you employ tools such as piracy, kidnapping, and bribery to cement your criminal empire and, perhaps, purchase a summer home. Initially, though, you will be able to work on other important skills like racketeering, slavery, and intimidation via the use of the demo that LucasArts has so thoughtfully provided to tide you over till the release of the game on the 24th of October. There are also new additions to the game in the demo like the units of the Zann Consortium, cloakable transports, defilers(eh?), and buzz droids. For more information on the game please visit the LucasArts website and, as always, right back here at for more details as they become available.

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