MindSeize (XSX) Review

Created by Kamina Dimension, MindSeize is a 2D Metroidvania platformer, oozing with retro charm and firmly following the ethos of simplicity being key. We live in a day and age where graphics and complicated mechanics seem to be the be all and end all of what makes a great game.

MindSeize Review (XSX) | MyGamer

Every so often an unlikely hero steps up to the plate and proves what we already know deep down; the nineties had it right when it came to producing phenomenal titles. MindSeize proves this point wonderfully through the use of tried and tested means and delivering the addictive retro-style games that we, the “greying gamers” know and love.

MindSeize certainly isn’t the first title to lend key aspects from Metroid and Castlevainia, and it certainly won’t be the last. However, has deservedly won a spot on list of notable games of this ilk.

In comparison, our EiC covered the Switch release of MindSeize when it originally launched in 2020.

The Story Behind MindSeize

MindSeize follows the story of a futuristic investigator going by the name of M.C. Fox. After hunting a criminal organization known as “The Ascended”, Fox was left crippled after a futile and unsuccessful attempt to save his daughter from having her mind seized by the crime faction. The timeline then jumps to an unknow space of time into the future where a wheel chair bound Fox is being offered a way to save his daughter from The Ascended and serve up some revenge in the process.


Fox, without haste, agrees to take the offer and subsequently has his very consciousness transferred to a robotic body called a MAG. This space-age suit grants Fox the abilities he will need to take The Ascended head-on and bring down the nefarious empire once and for all.

A Shining Example of Metroidvania Gameplay

It takes a special kind of something to take the wireframes of classic titles and turn them into modern-day “retro” gems and MindSeize has that special kind of something in spades.

Adventure across four unique planets that each harbor their own secrets and forms of peril. The script, professionally penned by a script writer. will take you through the game with a rich narrative and cutscenes painting the picture in a distinct comic book style. It’s all very fitting with the retro themes of the game and a visually attractive result that goes a long way to immerse the player in the twisting and turning story.


As you progress further into MindSeize, you will unlock new abilities, weapons and skins for your assault drone helper that follows you through the game…. well, not doing much at all. The prospects of unlocking these often helpful extras compelled me to explore new areas while offering game-changing moments that defined how I approached the game.

Having only amassed around three hours on MindSeize so far, I’m confident that the game will only continue to open up as I delve further into the heart-warming, dramatic and atmospheric twists and turns of the storyline.

Having well and truly achieved its purpose of creating an engaging Metroidvania game, MindSeize is one I will be going back to before the night is done and one I will doubtlessly lose countless hours on.


MindSeize Summary

Packed with platforming action, kick-ass weaponry, and retro-tastic splendor, MindSeize perfectly ties the package off with a neat ribbon in the form of a rich storyline. There’s so much to discover in its seemingly simplistic world and a wide variety of enemies keeps things interesting.

MindSeize is available now on Xbox Series S|X, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC and is an absolute steal at just $15. If you’re a fan of metroidvania games then this isn’t one you’re going to want to miss.





Packed with platforming action, kick-ass weaponry, and retro-tastic splendor, MindSeize perfectly ties the package off with a neat ribbon in the form of a rich storyline.

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