Reservoir Dogs, a game based on Quentin Tarantino's cult classic film, was denied a rating by Australia's Office of Film and Literature Classification in effect banning the game from sale in the region.
The game, to be published in the UK by Eidos on PC, PS2 and XBOX, is rumored to expand on additional storylines including the rest of Mr. Pink's adventure and the whereabouts of Mr. Blue and Mr. Brown.
There has been no official statement by the OFLC, but do to the content of the movie it seems likely this ban stems from violent content. The distributor of the game, Atari, will not resubmit an altered version for a rating reclassification. A representative from Atari was quoted on the APCstart website as, "That's the end of the matter."
This is not the first of such games to receive bans; Grand Theft Auto III, Leisure Suit Larry, NARC and Manhunt have been banned due to violent or sexual content. The most recent of which is Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure, which was said to promote the crime of graffiti.
Australia's gamers have been clamoring for change to the rating system which does not allow games with a rating higher than "MA 15+". Reservoir Dogs is slated for a fall release in Europe.
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