Set in ancient Japan and steeped in real-life folkore and mysticism, this is the story of Raikoh, an undead warrior who must stop a ferocious demonic army that has been unleashed upon the Earth. Blending frentic 3D action with deep RPG elements, you`ll master 30+ weapons, 12 varieties of magic, and dozens of stylish combat moves. Explore 25+ massive, highly-destructible environments in which even buildings can be destroyed. Upgrade weapons, magic, character attributes, and manage an inventory of special items.
* Over 25 levels – face down hordes of demons, destroy mammoth bosses, and set the world right as an undead warrior in search of peace.
* Collect and customize over 30 weapons, 12 varieties of magic, and over 10 special demon slaying items.
* Deep story based on classic Japanese mythologies.
* Over 15 hours of gameplay.
President & CEO
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