After waiting pretty much all day at my local Wal*Mart last week, I was able to procure the newest Nintendo system, the Wii. So far, Zelda is totally controlling my life, and I wouldn't have it any other way. However, in the Fall of 2005, when Nintendo announced what the Wii controller would be like, I bet I wasn't the only person who thought, " about a Star Wars game for this?" Basically, this month's "The Force is Alive" feature will be what I would do if I was in control of such a game. Keep in mind that LucasArts more or less confirmed that a Star Wars game will come out on the Wii sometime. We'll see how many of my ideas make it to the final product.
First things first. The concept of the game would be very unique. Basically, what I would do is put you in the role of a Jedi in between Episode 3 and Episode IV. You survived Order 66, but realize that you are pretty much all alone in the galaxy. Now that the Jedi Order is gone, and there's no one to tell you what to do anymore, you go on a hunt for none other than Darth Vader. The whole thing would sort of act like a very dumbed down version of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, where you would go from planet to planet, doing quests and finding clues as the whereabouts of the evil Dark Lord. The whole game would culminate with a battle between Darth Vader and yourself. Of course, something would happen, and you wouldn't be able to deliver the final blow. Your character would either die at the end, or go into exile. Just don't go to Dagobah. That spot's taken…
Now here's what would separate this Star Wars game from all the rest; the controls. I would put the game in first person, and use the nunchuck to move around. The C button would allow you to look around, just like in Zelda. By thrusting the nunchuck forward, you could do a force push, and the Z button could be used to lock on to various enemies and other NPC's. Of course, the Wiimote would be used the most. The motion sensing technology would act as your lightsaber. Imagine how cool it would be to hear the traditional lightsaber sound through the Wiimote's speaker. The d-pad could be used to strafe (since this is a first-person game). Plus, since you are a vengeful Jedi, who has turned away from the light in order to hunt Lord Vader, the Wiimote's pointer would be used to aim your force lightning. A simple press of the B button would unleash this attack on your foes. As for the A button, this could be used for everything, from talking to NPC's, to picking up items, to jumping over small baricades. Think Resident Evil 4 or Gears of War. And, much like Zelda, the 1 and 2 buttons could control your various inventory screens.
Now, I know I am forgetting something. I know I'll get emails saying, "But how would you do (insert misc. action here)"? However, if LucasArts continues their hot streak of great Star Wars games and comes up with something innovative for the Wii Star Wars game, I'm sure this could be very awesome. They could even add a few flying missions. I would love to control a Jedi Starfighter with the Wii controller, and I bet a talented developer could make it happen.
One thing's for sure- we'll all be waiting in anticipation for what LucasArts has in store for us.
Well, thanks for reading. Look for the Star Wars Empire at War: Forces of Corruption review shortly!! Remember, send all your comments to!!
-Jedi Master Mike Shaeffer
President & CEO
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