Three New Backwards Compatible Xbox Games

Finally there has been another update to the Xbox 360 backwards compatibility list. The list, which has pretty much been on pause mode since mid-December 2005, now includes [i]Black[/i], [i]Star Wars Battlefront II[/i], and [i]World Soccer Winning Eleven 9[/i].

While Xbox 360 owners will gladly take whatever they can get (excluding [i]Barbie Horse Adventures: Wild Horse Rescue[/i] of course), it would've been nice if the new crop of games included a few more big name titles. Hopefully 360 gamers won't have to wait another three and a half months before three more games are added to the list.

Once again the new backwards compatible games are:
[i]Star Wars Battlefront II[/i]
[i]World Soccer Winning Eleven 9[/i]

To find the other games on the list just click [a][aa]here[/a] and [a][aa] here[/a].

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