Windows on the PS3?

by Roger Gude

With all the fuss coming from Bill Gates about the Cell processor, it’s quite ironic to find out that someone managed to upload Windows 2000 on their PS3.

Considering the PS3 offers the ability to upload alternative operating systems, it seems as if this news will continue to build. Windows 2000 on the PS3 is one of the first ironic things to come to from it.

“We'd like to see someone load up Windows Media Center and use it to stream video from their PS3 to their Xbox 360,” quotes the like able people over at Will the ability to run Windows and other programs help boost the sales of the PS3, allowing for gamers a wider variety of options at the expense of some technical jargon, or will this new found way to tinker with the PS3 hurt it’s ability to succeed?

Stay tuned to for more information on the PS3 and it’s function

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