ZX Spectrum title Head Over Heels get Deluxe edition on Switch - Video Game News & Reviews

ZX Spectrum title Head Over Heels get Deluxe edition on Switch

SpecNext announced that its enhanced version of iconic 80s classic, Head Over Heels: Deluxe, is due to release on PC on March 6th and will be coming to Nintendo Switch later this year. Originally released on the ZX Spectrum, Commodore 64 and Amstrad CPC in 1987 and renowned as one of the era’s most iconic titles, Head Over Heels was given a new lease of life by SpecNext with an enhanced remake created for the ZX Spectrum Next in 2024, winning rave reviews from the likes of Crash (94%) and Retro Gamer (90%). With this enhanced version now debuting on PC and Switch, SpecNext is making the game accessible to the millions of players that played it across various systems in the 80s. 

Join the eccentric duo of Headus Mouthion (Head) and Footus Underium (Heels) – two halves of a whole who have been separated and imprisoned by the tyrannical Emperor. Each character possesses unique abilities to master and combine: Head’s remarkable jumping prowess and handy headshots pave the way over daunting obstacles, while Heels’ speed, carrying power, and snappy waddle keep the team nimble and resourceful. Reunite them to unlock even more powerful moves as you traverse fantastical worlds full of bizarre enemies, smart puzzles and secret passages waiting to be uncovered.

This faithful (and fresh!) remake elevates everything fans love about the original classic. Soak in beautifully updated isometric levels, re-engineered controls that feel snappy and precise, and a brand-new soundtrack that perfectly captures the whimsical — and sometimes devious – nature of the puzzle realms. For retro purists, optional “classic mode” graphics and sound settings are on hand to recreate that authentic 8-bit nostalgia, while newcomers will appreciate upgrades such as improved save systems, helpful hints, and quality-of-life updates that never compromise the game’s classic challenge.

Head Over Heels is one of the most loved and awarded games from the 80s, and its fiendish gameplay still holds true today,” said Henrique Olifiers, Director at SpecNext. “If you are looking for a game challenge with soul, this is the game for you.”

Key Features

  • Over 500 majestic locations
  • Multiple save points (trust us, you’ll need them)
  • Wonderful music throughout by Space Fractal
  • Chickens! (Yes, these weren’t in the original… Blame Mike ‘Flash’ Ware for them)
  • A complete new area (because more is better)
  • New enemies and objects (there’s a new area after all)
  • Stunning graphics by Simon Butler

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