the_roach said:
Uhh, hey, can we get any atheist or agnostic points of view in here?
Um... OK I'll throw something in from that perspective, I guess... Not that this has anythign to do with gaming or my ability to write game reviews, but since people have (mostly) been respectful and polite in here, I'll lay my hethen opinions on you all. :cookiemon
If I had to define my spiritual life in an imprecise word, I guess I’d call myself a “Seeker”. While I believe very strongly in Evolution and the power of the Scientific Method to expand humanity’s knowledge and improve our lives, I also strongly want to believe in “higher” powers. Call them Good or Evil, call it Intelligent Design or God or what have you- SOMETHING seems to be missing. It’s that “God shaped hole” that someone mentioned earlier. I have no problems whatsoever with the idea that, if there is a “watchmaker” that designed the universe and all of the laws and rules that make it tick, that He/She/It is so far above us that we’re nearly impossible to even see or judge. Just like humans can view the lives of microscopic single-celled creatures and even manipulate the basic building blocks of nature (electrons, etc.), so are we to the Watchmaker- viewable but in the end really almost beneath notice.
I don’t say this to belittle us, I say it to establish perspective.
For, it is my belief that if there IS a Watchmaker, then He/She/It is as impossible for us to understand and fully grasp as humans would be to the understanding of a mitochondria or a virus- the frames of reference are just so vastly different that true understanding is impossible. Human beings are, of course, real, but how would a mitochondria, living in one of our cells’ nucleus, define us adequately from their point of view?
As such, religions that claim to have the single, perfect line on Truth smack of monumental arrogance (at best) or even outright ignorance (at worst)- in my opinion, of course. I’m not arguing with the good works they do, or the very real need that they fulfill- death is hella scary (to put it mildly), and I’ve thought many times, usually when someone close to me is ill or dies, that it would make things MUCH EASIER if there WERE a heaven like the Christians say. It’s a far more comforting idea than the eternal Big Black Nothing when the lights finally go off.
But, I can’t let go of the idea that maybe humans are just plain wrong about religion, or that, at the very least, that we’re so far off the mark as to the Truth of things that I think that a person of good conscience MUST keep an open mind to all possibilities that might lead one to a better relationship with the Creator. Anything less is squandering the gift that each and every thinking being was given at birth.
In my time, I’ve been a Catholic, an Athiest, a Rational Humanist, I’ve lead pagan Samhain and Candlemass ceremonies and I’ve sweated in Native American sweat lodges. I spent three days on a mountain, Vision Questing (wish I could say I found my totem animal but really all that happened was I got deathly ill from hypothermia) and I’ve drummed from dusk-to-dawn in all-night Voudoun ceremonies where people thrashed and shuddered as the Loa rode them (or, so they believed- if Gods were actually present, I can’t say). I’ve seen stigmata bleed and I've seen fakirs hang their entire body weight from slender hooks planted in their flesh, made impervious to pain by the strength of their faith. I've seen Pentecostals babble in tongues, Shakers dance when God is with them, and I've witnessed automatic-writing mediums channel information that no living human being except me could possibly know. I've experienced the glory of Catholic cathedrals and equally glorious natural caves, and both, I have to say, felt equally “holy” in the moment.
Which one was the “true” religion? I still have no idea. If I figure out out, I’ll let you know, but until then I’ll keep looking.
“It is in the moment that you believe you truly know a thing that you know nothing.” ~Zen Proverb