Prince, suggest if you really have these kinds of questions the first place to start is the Bible itself... You really can't ponder what the book might or might not mean until you read it and think about what you've read. I know- the language can be a bit... DENSE (although there are more "modern" translations available that take out all the tortuous "thee"s and "thou"s and change the wording to something more "English friendly"- ask anyone in a boook store for such a translaton or your librarian and they should ne able to point you in the right direction), but that's really where you should begin before you go any further. Documentaries and such are great supplementary tools, but you have to remember that documentaries are products of MEN as well, and are just as prone to misunderstanding and personal interpration as anything else- the best thing to do is read the Book, watch the documentaries, read commentary from people that think about religion and faith and then DECIDE for yourself. Fairr warning: if you honestly attempt this, then you're looking at a process that might take years or even decades, so... :cookiemon
Who knows? Something in there might inspire you to belief, unbelief or simple confusion, but you know, even CONFUSION is better than not knowing anything- at least if you read it and don't understand it all (and don't feel bad if you don't get everything- honestly, if you do, then I'd say you didn't read very closely- heh) you have something to ponder and specifics you can talk about as examples of things you want a deeper understanding on.