Kurruptions Rants

And although us dancing the dance of life seems kinda fruity, the fact that wijg said " The hard is what makes it great." Just makes us seem flat out gay,
Not a rant.

As a lifelong pro wrestling fan (done laughing people?) It hurts to see when one of your favorites passes on. I was in El Paso Texas when the hometown boy Eddie Guerrero passed, some friends and I ate at Chicos Tacos and remembered our favorite eddie moments, It sucked to know Curt "Mr Perfect" Henning died of an accidental overdose. Brian Pillman passing was shocking, even more was Owen Hart. The list goes on, Hawk, Ravishing Rick Rude, Freddie Blassy, Crash Holly, Bam Bam Bigelow, Bossman, John "Earthquake" Tenta etc.

As a die hard fan I knew of ECW, very few of FMW, but one person that really stood out was Mike Awesome. He stole the show at the first one night stand, with his nemesis Masato Tanaka, he threw Kanyon over that triple cage, in one of the few WCW moments that made me say "WTF!" point being he stood out, unfortanately it seems his choice to leave ECW for WCW labeled him as a "traitor" among many. Thus he never really recieved a fair chance to make it, whether it be in WCW or later in WWE.

One thing that I know is he stood out, the could powerbomb a big guy like Tanaka to the outside and at the same time jump the ropes and deliver one hell of a splash, impressive for one his size.

It seems Mike "Awesome" Alfonso decided to take his life this past week, not certain until autopsy is actually done, but from the point his body was found that's what it seems like. It's really painful to actually type and read that. Lord only knows what was on his mind, and it's frustrating to know that the man that dominated in Japan as the "Gladiatior" would just call it quits. I am not here to judge, but their was other options, I'm saddened he chose this one.

To Mike "Awesome" Alfonso I can only say RIP and thanks for the memories.
true spuds, I did point that out, the whole thing wasn't about Mike Awesome passing, It's about the bastard calling it quits and hanging himself. That's what pretty much lit a fire under me.
Mike Awesome vs. Tanaka are some of the best matches ever!! You can't forget about the greatest champ of all time dying of a heart attack, Yokozuna. Vince made him leave the WWF/E because he was getting too big!! He's my all time favorite wrestler due to his massive size and the fact that he sat on people. Oh yeah, can't forget, Fuji dust!!!
Been awhile since I've done one of these, I've had different topics but been way too busy. The Benoit/steroids deal, Vicks dogfights, E3, etc. I've decided to keep it game based this time, since I really haven't done any game based rants, so no I bring you a new addition of Kurruptions Rants, wijg would be proud. I call this one,

"Delayed Satisfaction"
A Kurruption Rant.

Completing a game should be like taking a woman out on a series of dates, then finally she puts out, Pure Satisfaction! This having to do mostly with the game ending, something that should close out the story, leave all or most questions answered "Hey got to leave room for the sequel!" Or just be one badass ending cinema. Some sort of reward that makes all your troubles seem worth it. Then you should crave a cigarette afterwards.

Every now and then, some of these seem like a series of dates, lead to sex and end in premature ejaculation, (Something Kurruption doesn't really know about or experience FYI), an unsatisfied, embarassed feeling! I'm not talking about the old text based endings like in some older games such as the old MK trilogy, or original Doom, I'm talking about these damn cliffhanger endings! Halo 2, Advent Rising, XIII! Hell I heard Tomb Raider Legend ended in a cliffhanger as well.

Sure, some of these endings can lead to the absolute desire of getting that sequel in your hands and finishing the story. Which sometimes works, look at the dot Hack series fanboys, finish of one chapter or whatever and you know the next one isn't far behind. Now the good thing with Dot Hack is simple, the wait isn't too long, maybe about six months. This is where things get iffy.

Now I wouldn't be ranting about this if all games ending in a cliffhanger only had a short wait, that unfortanately is not the case. We finally get the ending to Halo this fall/winter, nothing pissed me off as much as beating that last Brute and having the chief head to earth, What THE F**K! Now I've waited a couple of years to finish the damn thing! That's not the worst, now how about this, we end the game in a cliffhanger, right?! A cliffhanger that will make the gamers that got that far wait in anticipation for the next one!!! and then we don't release a sequel! F*****G GENIUS! XIII, an underappreciated cell shaded first person shooter, sure the last couple of levels were sneak missions that absolutely sucked ass, but the rest of the game was pretty sweet, hell, Adam West was a Badass in this game, David Duchovny was great as the lead! The cliffhanger ending was you finding out who you were, and finding out who the true villain was, someone in your freaking circle, the last scene is you face to face with him! Now I will never find out what freaking happened! Advent Rising, a game who's story is much better than the gameplay, it's glitch filled, but playable, the story being the only redeeming factor. Now this game was planned as the first in a series or trilogy, can't remember right now. Anyways, sweet freaking story, ends in a cliffhanger, no questions truly answered. Game doesn't sell, mainly because it was rushed, sequels get canned, awesome story goes nowhere!

People, if your gonna do this, make sure the sequel is gauranteed! That's like Tolkien dying after the Two Towers! Hell I know some people that were worried King wouldn't finish his Dark Tower series! Now the difference between games and books is, well books take longer, but unless the author dies we will get an ending in some form, no matter the wait! Even if these things don't sell as much. So developers, unless you have a sure thing, don't risk it. Just look at the Metal Gear series, a sure thing if there was one, Leaves questions mostly answered, but adds some loose threads. The right way to do it! Just like the first time having sex after dating, do the job right, but keep her wanting more.

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kurruption said:
wijg would be proud.

*Sniffle. I am my big brave boy...I am.

I was looking forward to hearing about Advent Rising when I heard Orson Scott Card was doing the story. While I wasn't wild about the overall direction the Ender series took, the character is one of the greats. Glad to hear that the story was good despite the game sucking.

Also, kudos on the Dark Tower reference. Although some people may have preferred that King didn't finish it with the VERY open ended ending he gave us.

Concluding a story can be difficult. Being a writer, I have ideas for what to do when I think I am at the end of my series, but who knows if they will suit. Will others just rant at me as we rant at those who we believe fall short?

I would say I am not as disappointed in endings if the story was good on the way there. What pisses me off more are great story ideas that are ruined. One of the examples that leaps to my mind is the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Johnny Depp's performance as Jack Sparrow is one of the most inspired comedic performances of recent years. But the writer's absolutely blew it in the 2nd and 3rd movie. I have similar feelings for Spider-man 2 and 3, but I don't know the comic lore as well so who's to say if I could have done better. Jack Sparrow, however, was a new and brilliant character. Star Wars Eps 1-3 are another minor example of bad story work, at least in their movie forms.

Now my storytelling talents have yet to be proven. Hopefully after I finish my second book, it will make a little more noise than my first one did with literary agents. It is just so frustrating though to see such great storytelling potential wasted. Such is life though. And if everyone told great stories, there might not be any room for me as a writer anyway.

/end rant
I actually liked the last two Pirates movies, I prefferred that it took that semi dark turn, and Johnny Depp's character sucked to me no matter what. As far as I am concerned the Pirates movies were all about Barborrosa.......and that dog holding the key.
Kurruption, that was the single smartest thing you've ever said ever. Lotsa people hate on Pirates 2 and 3, and wrongly so. Jones is one of the most-menacing characters from a movie I can remember. And indeed, Barbossa and the key dog are awesome.

Barbossa mainly gets props for actually looking like, acting like and being a pirate. Between the long Rs and the outfit, he's the important counter to all the pretty boys. He just needs to hook up with more wenches and he'd be the ultimate pirate.

Main problem with 3 is how everyone's ok with eachother. Sparrow ground the axe for Barbossa for ten years in Pirates 1. They meet up again in 3 and they're fine with eachother. Barbossa killed Turner's dad, which put into motion his entire presence in the series. They team up and 3 and all is forgiven. i just think they needed more hate in 3.
I see what you're saying, but I still think 2 wasn't very good. I liked 3 though.

Main problem with 3 is how everyone's ok with eachother
That's the one thing that had me confused. Especially since Barbossa was so willing to help them rescue Jack.

Another beef I had with 3 was the meeting of the pirates. I know they were working together to summon Calypso, but they seemed more like the club from "Sandlot" than a posse of pillaging pirates.

And yeah I have to admit, screw Jack, Barbossa is the badass of all pirates.
Here's the exact reason Barbossa>all.
