Any Christians?

Well I think I might be a little too young for this conversation.:stitch:
You guys are deep...

Anyway, as my friend always says, "It's better to live like there is a God and find out there isn't, than to live like there isn't a God and find out there is. "

That's just my two cents.:smile:
And Imago it's good that you're keeping an open mind.
silent_storm said:
Anyway, as my friend always says, "It's better to live like there is a God and find out there isn't, than to live like there isn't a God and find out there is. "

That's just my two cents.:smile:
And Imago it's good that you're keeping an open mind.

I find that hard for me to see. Good words who ever your friedns is, ( sidebar, I may use that for a t-shirt idea).

I see what Imago is saying. I to find myslef asking these question everyday at all times. I may not present them to the ppl I know, only beacuse I don't know how they will recat if I speak on it. I've questioned God, Christ, The Chruch and any Religon out ther since I was 12. I have yet to come across any answer or anything close to a answer. my bigest question is WHY must I follow, WHY?. Everythime I come close on an answer that question pops up again an again.

Am I wrong to question God, or Jesus. Will I be sent to hell for this is I do not follow his ways or laws? Must I prasie God everyday until I die inorder to live in Heaven? Something else that gets me is Will a fringd of mind who's not a Christian go to hell if he is Muslim? Is it not whats in your heart that God looks at and how you live your life?

I was told once that it is all a test of your Faith to God and that I'm asking these questions because I must. I am asking these questions because I need to, for me to beleive. In order for me to find my path in life. If this is true then why the test? What is the real purpose of this test? Is it a test of faith that i'm going throgh or not. And again what is the reason for the test? It seems to me your test for no reason what so ever. If you have faith your testd on how much faith you have. If you don't have faith your tested on the fact you should have faith.

I'm confusing myself. I want answers but not sure if I get them will it raise mor questions or not.
Yes, the more you thinkabout it and the more you learn, the more questions come up- I wasn't kidding when I said that sometmes I feel like "believers" have an easier time in life...

But isn't the fact that the subject makes you think MORE the MORE you know about it? Usually the opposit is true... the more I know about, say, Twinkies, for instance, the less I want to think about them (heh). Personally, I think that's hella cool (so to speak).
I think it's only ture with topics such as this one. Because there is no ANSWER FOR ANYONE. We can ask as many questions as we want but we will contiue to come up with the same run around which give us the same questions. Until GOD HIM SELF COMES DONW TO ANSWER THEM we will always, as humans question. And it is not wrong to question GOD gave us brains and thoughts or whatever you want to call it. So whould he be upset if we Questioned him, he gave us the tools to do so. Not to sound rude or anythin. But has anyone here ever watched Penn and Tellr's Bulls*** ( great show). This topic would fit great on ther show, I truly think It's all BULLS***. Not to offend anyone or anything but it is. If you have seen the show you may know what I mean by this.
Haven't seen the show, and it's not wrong to want to know the truth. In fact, most Americans don't give a rip and just want to not think about the fact that they've got less than 80 years to live (considering that that's around the average lifespan and by the time they ponder death, they are usually in their teens or much older). What happens after that. For ETERNITY? As for throwing our hand in the air and saying "when God Himself comes down to tell me what He wants..." What if He has? Assume for just a moment that the Bible is real. If so (and you can settle that if later), then you have to question if there is evidence that Jesus was the Christ, He did die and was subsequently resurrected (with over 500 witnesses), and is the Son of God.
Check it out jonas is a great show. As a matter of fact I have some on tape I'll go back and review some episodes and speak on them. I trhink some will make a great topic. Like should prostitution is BullS*** and it can be legal.

Ok so 500 witnesses got that. There could be more. This is where I strat with my questions again an again. How can it be proven. Is there any thing that can show me other than what is on paper or has been said. It's history right? Not everything is history is true we can only go by what we are told, right? True some thing in our past we can belevie is fact ( wars, dino's, people). I do beleive Jesus did live, that much can be found in almost any Holy Book. But still there is mistery that covers him. I do not deny the fact he lived just the followers he had follow him.

I was watchin something on TLC ( yes I do watch it every now an again). They had a special on the bible and Jesus him self. I can't fact any of this but some of it. Jesus had many followers during his time on Earth. In that time many people gave there own veiws on him. It is when the followers turned it into religon is where thing may have gotten screwed up at. How many books are in the Bible? I don't know i never paid attention in sunday school. Now the Bible is mans work not God, Each book in the Bible is writen by a person on how they viewed things. The church or as how i saw the special said that man made the Bible peiced together what they thought was need in the Bible. There are books that were witten and never added. Some showed God in bad ways, or Hell in a different way. If I find it on my TiVo i'll go back and get the information. And explain in better detail.

But to me thats a load of bull. You mean to tell me that GOD HIM SLEF DID NOT MAKE THE BIBLE. HIS HOLY BOOK THAT WE ARE TO FOLLOW. MAN, MAN made up the book to tell us what to and no to do. Sure the words may have come from God but it would seem like we are only getting the half truth. Something I heard before "The best place to hid a Lie is between two truths". Is that whats being feed in chruch's? Is the Bible just a bucnh of people tryin to get Power. Druing those time's the thought of God scared people and some used that to control and for Power. I may not be 100% correct but it hold some truth. I Will say this and if i'm doomed to root in hell then so be it. I do not beleive in Religon at all. God yes because there has to be something out there. I don't think Aliens game down here to make us ( Hitcthikers Giude to the Galxey ). Most of my questions also come from Dogma ( yes the Kevin Smith movie). But you know what mybe i'm not looking for an answer to my question but a answer to why I'm asking the question.
Prince, suggest if you really have these kinds of questions the first place to start is the Bible itself... You really can't ponder what the book might or might not mean until you read it and think about what you've read. I know- the language can be a bit... DENSE (although there are more "modern" translations available that take out all the tortuous "thee"s and "thou"s and change the wording to something more "English friendly"- ask anyone in a boook store for such a translaton or your librarian and they should ne able to point you in the right direction), but that's really where you should begin before you go any further. Documentaries and such are great supplementary tools, but you have to remember that documentaries are products of MEN as well, and are just as prone to misunderstanding and personal interpration as anything else- the best thing to do is read the Book, watch the documentaries, read commentary from people that think about religion and faith and then DECIDE for yourself. Fairr warning: if you honestly attempt this, then you're looking at a process that might take years or even decades, so... :cookiemon

Who knows? Something in there might inspire you to belief, unbelief or simple confusion, but you know, even CONFUSION is better than not knowing anything- at least if you read it and don't understand it all (and don't feel bad if you don't get everything- honestly, if you do, then I'd say you didn't read very closely- heh) you have something to ponder and specifics you can talk about as examples of things you want a deeper understanding on.
You ask the question because that's how we're made. God made us to have a relationship with Him. Until we do, we try to fill that need with many other things. As for the Bible's authenticity, check out a few of these links:

These go into some pretty heavy details that I hope helps you. And Imago has a good point. It's better to seek and be confused than to choose ignorance.
You know what you guys are right. Maybe i'm going about this the wrong way. Or maybe just maybe I'm crazy. That could be it.

What is weird is I have a Bible right next to my bed. I use to read the Bible when I was younger. Went to church reagularly. And yet I felt myslef moving further and futher away from my religon. I lost faith in the Church not God or Jesus. But now that I am older I find myself asking more and more questions. I've been a few places heard some new things and still more questions. it's good to see that I'm not the only one with these questions. But to know that I may find answers in the Bible is good news to hear. Maybe I will read it fully now. I'm older and have a better understanding on life. I'm not wrong to question, but I was wrong to question without cause. I thank you guys for helping me understand a little better. And Imago the language is not that bad I kinda like it. Thou shall read the Bible and tell thee that Thou art wrong.

I will not use that as a new quote

even CONFUSION is better than not knowing anything
I am not a christian. I am roman catholic. I respect other religions too. I love christian songs too.
I am now Pagan (Wicca) but I was raised by devout Christians as a Christian. I always respect people's beliefs though.